Though there are several species of squirrels, there are a few species of tree squirrels, but the most common ones are either black or gray. Another species found is the Flying Squirrel, which doesn't really fly - but instead can glide from branch to branch.
Squirrels are very cute until they become a pest around structures. If they enter a building, they are capable of doing damage to a multitude of objects because of their chewing behavior. The most common entry point for squirrels is the attic, which they may enter by chewing a hole into a gable area or other susceptible area. Once in the attic, they may nest and eventually reproduce with a litter of several young. In an attic, there is potential for damage to stored goods as well as to wiring with the potential for fire due to gnawing of those wires. Droppings from squirrels may also be a nuisance.
The most common clues to a squirrel infestation are actual sightings of the animals entering a structure and running or scratching noises in the attic that are heard early in the morning (4 AM to 7 AM) or late in the afternoon (5 PM to 8 PM).
Dealing with squirrels can take several forms. First, environmental changes may be made such as pruning trees that extend over a structure or removing or securing any decorative trim or attachments that provide access to the structure. If squirrels are coming to a roof across wires, it may be possible to install a cone-shaped shield that would eliminate access to the roof. These may be available through the local utility company and would of course require professional installation.
Squirrel repellents are available that may discourage a variety of destructive behavior. A- Nature King Pest Management provides caged trapping service which will allow removal of squirrels without harm to the animal. Once captured, we will transport the animal five miles or more from the property to discourage a return appearance. For more detailed product information, please contact our office.
This nocturnal animal is a frequent guest at many homes and buildings, searching through garbage cans or dumpsters, looking for food. In other cases, this animal may literally tear into an attic and nest there leaving dropping and making quite a bit of noise. In yet other instances, they may climb down into a chimney and nest near the damper.
This large animal, known for its distinctive "masked" face and beautiful fur, may grow to be between 24" and 48" in length and weigh between 12 lbs. and 25 lbs.. A litter of raccoons may contain between three and six young.
Control is dependent on the situation. Exclusion is very practical in many cases. For chimneys, chimney caps are available to prevent raccoons from entering. Garbage cans with secured lids will discourage continued attacks on those items. Also, pruning back of trees may remove access to an attic and allow for repairs.
To eliminate a raccoon problem, it is necessary to remove the troublesome animals using a live trap. Nature King Pest Management will capture the raccoon alive and transport it away from your property.
Mice, Rats and Their Control
Although some people think of mice and rats as child and parent, these two are different organisms. Their biology is different and their life history is different. Though there is limited space here, it's important to point out a few key distinguishing characteristics.
The body of a mouse will grow from as little as 2" to as much as 3-1/2" when fully grown. The rat's body will be as small as 7" but grow to a length of nearly 10". Mice will weight as little as a mere 1/2 ounce to up to 1 ounce whereas a large rat may weigh more than a pound. Color will vary in both mice and rats though they are most commonly seen as gray to brown. A mouse will squeeze through an opening as small as 1/4". A rat manages to get through an opening as small as 1/2". Both rodents have poor eyesight and rely on their acute sense of smell and hearing to compensate.
Nature King Pest Management employs effective procedures to control and eliminate your rodent problems, we also provide you with a guaranty for every service we provide, please call our office or e-mail me directly. Your inquiry will be handled promptly.
Management of Rodent Problems
The most effective means employed to control rodent is exclusion. If openings are eliminated, in most cases, rodents cannot get into a structure. However, sometimes a dirt floor may exist inside a structure to which a burrowing rodent may find entry. Exclusion or rodent-proofing, requires strong material through which rodents may not be able to gnaw such as concrete, sheet metal, coarse grade steel wool, hardware cloth and crushed glass. We can provide you all services related to exclusion at a very affordable cost.
The next step in controlling rodents is eliminating food sources. People are often surprised to find out that foodstuffs that had long been forgotten are the source of food for rodents. The bird seed up in the attic or in the garage or a box of food which fell down behind a shelf somewhere. Therefore, it is important to seek those things out. Also, any food in boxes or bags as well as the daily garbage must be protected by placing these items into impervious containers of metal or glass. Outside, to keep rodents away, our company offers several products you can use to control the recurrence of rodents
The last step in rodent management is removal of rodents from a structure. It may be achieved in a number of different ways. There are electronic devices which emit very high frequency ultrasonic sounds which frighten rodents out of a building, Trapping would be the another possible step in rodent control. There are "humane" and multiple catch traps which usually capture rodents without harming them. There are also snap traps and glue traps which may be used for this purpose.
Finally, the most common rodent control technique application of rodenticide bait. Most products used today are anti-coagulant type baits. These kill the rodent by thinning the blood until the animal hemorrhages internally. The animal suffers some dizziness, then dies from the loss of blood. This process may take from five to ten days. Unlike pellet baits which are sometimes horded and stored, meal baits are consumed from the package which helps to assure success. Bait packs must be placed in areas that are inaccessible to children or pets.
If you need specific information about any of the products we use, please send your inquiry and we will be happy to provide you with complete product Pharmacology and use.